“The Inseparables”, nWave's highly anticipated tenth animated feature film, is generating even more excitement as it secures a coveted spot in the official selection of the prestigious Shanghai International Film Festival. As the festival prepares for its 25th edition, which will be held June 9 to June 18, audiences will have the privilege of experiencing the magic of "The Inseparables" at select screenings. Mark your calendars for these special showtimes:
With the unveiling of the film's captivating and the release of its official teaser trailer just last month, anticipation has been building up. Dive into the mesmerizing world of "The Inseparables" by clicking below
Get in touch with us:
Matthieu Zeller mzeller@nwave.com
About the film:
From the writers of TOY STORY comes this fun buddy movie following the misadventures of two unlikely friends - Don, a runaway puppet with a boundless imagination, and DJ Doggie Dog, an abandoned stuffed animal toy in need of a friend - as they cross paths in Central Park and pair up against all odds for an epic adventure of friendship in the big city.
About nWave studios:
Founded in 1994, nWave Studios is a fully integrated European animation studio renowned for its expertise in CGI animation the produces state-of-the-art animated IPs. Its first feature film FLY ME TO THE MOON (2008) was a turning point for the studio as the first-ever film produced in stereoscopic 3D, making nWave Studios a pioneer in the field of family entertainment. Since then, nWave studios have brought to life 10 adventure-comedies with heart and universal appeal, that embark audiences on visually striking journeys (including among others THE HOUSE OF MAGIC, QUEEN’S CORGI, the BIGFOOT franchise and CHICKENHARE). nWave Studios’ DNA is to deliver entertaining animated content bringing families together. From film marketing, including sales and market research, nWave studios collaborate with top talent to deliver fresh, original stories with international and cross-generational reach.
Visit nWave Studios’ website: https://www.nwave.com/